K12 Student Success Program
The Student Success Program supports students by providing specialized programs and services aimed at broadening access and fostering holistic student achievement. The program is designed to empower students to become creative, independent learners and problem solvers capable of responsible citizenship and productive careers.
The Student Success Program offers K12 alternative education programs, academic tutoring, educational workshops, student success seminars, test taking skills, and one-on-one advising from an academic mentor. The academic mentor will assist each student in developing an Academic Success Plan to include specific goals and strategies for meeting academic goals. Some of the strategies include regular meetings with the academic mentor, meetings with peer tutors, managing time wisely, and using effective study strategies. The Student Success Program work space is also open for independent and group study.
The educational opportunity outreach programs are designed to motivate and support students from diverse backgrounds. Programs include seven outreach and support programs targeted to serve and assist students who are low-income, homeless, in foster care, migrant, gifted and with elementary school to post-baccalaureate programs.
The K12 Student Success Program fulfills its mission through programs in 7 areas:
Reading Intervention
Math Intervention
Gifted and Talented Education
Special Education
Migrant Education
Foster Care Education
Homeless Education